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A Kid With A Grown Up Heart by
(28 Stories)

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There are nights  when the dreams of that house break through these bedroom walls, as the ringing in my ears  becomes the sound of my own name,  echoing through that third floor stairway into the open pocket doors  of the dining room,  through the nine windows in the sun parlor, finally escaping into the gravel…
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“Shelter From The Storm” the Storm Door by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Lightning

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                  My mom believed her daughters were safe in a house filled with friends An unlocked side door became an opening to the cellar stairs  where the neighborhood kids just walked in.   The basement was a club house filled with homemade ice tea and cookies, a…
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The Sisters Remember by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Theater

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(Yes, I have tricks in my pocket, I have things up my sleeve.  But I am the opposite of a stage magician.  He gives you illusion that has the appearance of truth.  I give you truth in the pleasant disguise of illusion”)  ― Tennessee Williams, The Glass Menagerie   The Sisters Remember   My sister’s…
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Under My Father’s Feet by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Trauma

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My mom’s trauma was real. To her
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The Regulation of Light by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Changing Times

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As if our meddlesome somebodies Can mimic God with His own light
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My Christmas Poetry by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Holiday Letters

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Each year a homemade card, each year a poem
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I’m Game, You? by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Taxes

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“When there is an income tax, the just man will pay more and the unjust man less on the same amount of income”. Said by Plato.  Einstein said: “the hardest thing in the world to understand is the income tax”.  Trump and his blood-suckers either don’t pay their taxes or use every trick in the…
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‘We are the Music Makers, We are the Dreamers of Dreams” by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Poetry

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O’Shaughnessy’s Ode has always arisen in me to describe what being a poet means. I am one, since the age of eleven I write.  Have to. Whenever the blood flow swells in me, whenever the thought erupts or the passion breaks through these mesmerized human threads, I write.  Johnny next door was a few years…
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