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Reprieve by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Divorce

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…but it’s Father’s Day
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Discord by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Question Authority

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Feel it, Smell it, Own it
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Wi-Not? by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Cutting the Cord

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A Wireless Woman
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The Shape Shifter by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Imitation

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Who are you? Is the you you think you know authentic? Do you examine who you are, the portrait you portray, the person we’ve all come to know and believe it’s you?   Can you fly yet?   Does your consciousness expand on every level? Can you slither through solid walls manipulating your molecules? Can…
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Hot Cheetos and Pickles by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Aging

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AI and I’m outta here
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“It’s Going To Be Alright” by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Mother’s Day

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    When I see photographs of you, my breath catches in my throat, my eyes sting with the salt of tears. I touch your face with open lips hoping the kiss travels the distance to where you are.   You arrived on earth in splendor.  Your epoch beauty blown across time –  the white…
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In Flannel Robes by
(28 Stories)

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(Since the age of 11, all I valued in life was love, all I cared about was   finding my soulmate, my own true love – everything else was secondary)   All my life I wanted to know myself. Place the answers inside a silver wand, then if black rain ran over me I could wave…
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An AI Reckoning by
(28 Stories)

Prompted By Intelligence

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You or Me?   I come from ether and ash. You are made from metal and plugs. I evolve from essence, into entropy. You from data and retrieval.   All you are is the instant sweep of voices, the bang moment eclipsed, the already accumulated hypotheses  of what is.   I am one step further.…
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The Vow by
(28 Stories)

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(All my poetry encompasses ‘Affairs of the Heart’, This is a sad one.)   Somehow we knew  we were never right for each other And yet we allowed the pageantry to proceed, I in the bridal gown of my dreams you, in a slightly small tuxedo choking you at the throat.   I remember you…
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(28 Stories)

Prompted By Danger

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What can be more dangerous THAN THIS VERY MOMENT?  WHO can be more dangerous in THIS PRESENT MOMENT?     I used to kill insects when I was little, (still do at times (but I’m working on it)) Once, when I was a teacher, I had to march  10 blocks up a West Orange Township…
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