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Like a circle in a spiral … by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Time

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Does time just really stop, or is our definition of time just really wrong?
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One piece at a time … then freedom by
(49 Stories)

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Ivo Zdarsky wasn't just building a plane. He was building an escape to freedom.
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Fleshing out the memory by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Scouting

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You can learn a lot of things in scouting, and a few you just try to forget. Until it's time to shock your kids and grandkids.
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I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list by
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Prompted By Guilty Pleasures

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Ever since I was a kid, I always dreamed about being someplace else. All my life I've dealt with wanderlust, and I have spent a lot of time feeling guilty about it.
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“In the rooms of her ice-water mansion” by
(49 Stories)

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"Within the songs are found our hopes, fears, challenges ... and even our desired potential."
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Falling Backwards into the Fourth Estate by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Newspapers

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I found the OJT to be the best way to learn. As if I had a choice.  It’s amazing how motivational a deadline can be when you know the next edition will feature a lot of naked newsprint if you don’t fill the news hole.
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School, Swamps, and Salvation by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Middle School

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Sometimes you start out in one direction, only to take a lifelong detour. And that can be a great thing.
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A DQ, a diner, and a darkroom by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Family

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Sometimes we don't realize the influence a parent has had in our life until later in that life.
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A Christmas (Eve) Story by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By That Night

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As much as my family loved Christmas, we loved Christmas Eve more.
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