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Discovering a treasure by
(49 Stories)

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Retrospect made a journalist realize it's okay to write about his own stories and not just the stories of others.
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A friendly feud by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Family Feud

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Nearly every winter, it seems, my wife and I engage in a friendly feud about how many pets are enough.
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News, Tragedy, and Unity by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Assassination

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When John F. Kennedy was assassinated, the news media became a national unifier. Would the same be true today?
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A broken spirit, a repaired life by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Changed My Life

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Sometimes an interstate exit can lead you to a new life, even in the midst of tragedy.
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Vexatious Voting by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By First Time Voting

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Like many baby boomers, I cast my first vote for president a few months after graduating college. But I never got a chance to vote for the candidate of my choice. I had heard Bobby Kennedy speak on my OU campus, and I was ready to help change the world by voting for him. Sadly,…
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Freedom, Balance, and my Bike by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By Riding a Bicycle

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Learning to ride a bike can teach you some key lifelong lessons. That's what my red rocket did.
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Unspoken Words by
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A dad's teachings can come in a simple gesture of kindness.
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“To see into another’s heart, Eyes are the place to start” by
(49 Stories)

Prompted By The Eyes Have It

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Science calls it Iris Recognition technology. Most humans call it looking into the windows of the soul.
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Mom’s mantra of making it work by
(49 Stories)

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"Bad beginnings make for good endings, Son," was Mom's mantra to me. Of course you have to back it up with a stout resolve, and maybe a baseball bat.
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A Star is Born by
(49 Stories)

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My first horse auction turned into a lifesaver in a time of painful and life-changing events.
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