Vintage Photos (5 Stories)
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Here's a "quick take" prompt (a story you can write in 15 minutes or less): Find a favorite or vintage photo and tell the story behind it. Maybe it's a family heirloom, a relic from your photo album, or a reminder of a bygone period in your life. Who's in it?—partners, friends, close relatives, or family you never knew? Why is it meaningful to you? Share your favorite old photos forward.
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Placerville, 1888 — Galoots in mud boots by
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I had no idea that part of me had come from this place, a California boardwalk town in the northern Sierras. I’d grown up in Massachusetts. Save for one trip to California when I was 10, I knew California as a distant, colorful place that gift packages materialized from, sent by my West Coast aunts…
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