The Vietnam War divided the nation, made real to us (or our brothers or boyfriends) by the draft. Some embraced military service, while others chanted “Hell no! We won’t go!” or fled to Canada. Think back … Where did you stand on the war? What was your draft lottery number? Did you watch the Ken Burns documentary? What lessons should America have learned? On this Veterans’ Day, share your draft and Vietnam stories forward.
Teenager in Love
It’s Valentine’s Day, so think back … to your first crush, first kiss, school dances, making out. Our parents called it puppy love, but to us it was a hormone-laden roller-coaster ride of joy and heartbreak. But perhaps you saw it differently when your children reached that tender age. Share your teenage love stories forward.
What We Wore
Despite our disdain for convention, we were always fashionable—from coonskin caps, blue suede shoes, and poodle skirts to gogo boots and miniskirts. We pulled on pantyhose and dreamed of dancing in our Maidenform bras. Then we burned them. Think back … Bell bottoms, polyester, peace pendants, tie-dye—our style choices defined a generation. Share your fashion adventures forward.
New Beginnings
The Roman philosopher Seneca said “Every new beginning comes from some other beginning’s end.” The re-launch of Retrospect mixes old memories with new beginnings, past stories with new possibilities. Think back … When in your life did you begin anew? What ideas do you have for new beginnings in the future? Share your starting over stories forward.