What We Listened To

Top 40 or oldies rock? Smooth jazz or avant garde? Baroque or modern? Think back … What is the playlist of your life? How has it changed from decade to decade? What concerts or music festivals stick in your mind? Do you and your partner have “our song?” How did music affect your life? Share your music stories forward.



Most of us grew up believing in a religion, but that’s rarely the end of the story. Baby boomers, think back … on your faith, and whether and how it has changed over the years. How was it tested? Do you pray? What beliefs did you pass on to your children? What, in the end, have you found to believe in? On this convergence of Easter and Passover, share your faith stories forward.


Southern Skies Motel

Vacations … the very word conjures beaches, mountains, cosmopolitan cityscapes, desolate wilderness. No wonder vacations loom large in our memories. From deep in the doldrums of winter, think back … What was your best vacation? What was your worst vacation disaster? What vacation changed your life? Share your vacation stories forward.

What We Watched

Family watching television

Our generation—the first to grow up with both movies and TV—progressed from Ozzie & Harriet and Bambi to Roots and The Graduate. Our progeny wouldn’t believe what glued us to those tiny black-and-white TV sets or kept us riveted in Saturday matinees. Think back … which movies and TV shows changed your life? Which stars did you idolize or lust after? What would you go back and watch again? Share those stories forward.