Did you go? If so, with whom? Who asked, and how? What was the theme? Did you have a good time? What happened after? Think back … Prom is an American institution. Should it be? How did your kids’ prom experiences differ from yours? Share your prom stories forward.
The Things I Keep
Old love letters? Vinyl records? Family antiques? Your wedding dress? Your kids’ refrigerator art? Think back … what treasures have you retained over the years, through moves, garage sales, and trips to Goodwill? Do you keep them safely stored away or proudly on display? Share forward what you keep and why. (Give us a list if you like.)
S#*t My Family Said
Proverbs. Adages. Maxims. Think back … to the bywords and sayings your family made its own, long ago or today. Perhaps it was an aphorism from the old country, a line from a movie, or just something cute a child uttered. Give us a list if you like. Share your family sayings forward. (Prompt suggested by a Beta tester.)
Altered States
Tune in, turn on, drop out. Our generation famously craved altered states of consciousness, whether by alcohol, drugs (legal and illegal), music, meditation, or fasting. Think back … to good trips and bad trips. When was your consciousness altered? What did you learn? Medical or recreational marijuana is now legal in 28 states. Do you use it? If so, for what? Share your altered states stories forward.