Bosses. we’ve all had them, liked them, hated them. Some of us have been them. Think back … to your best boss, your worst boss, your strangest boss, your most clueless. If you’ve been a boss, tell us about your best day or your worst day. If you’ve been self-employed, what’s it like to be your own boss? Share your boss stories forward.
Oh, the places you’ll go—or will you? Think back … to your own graduation, or that of your children. What are your memories? How did you feel? How did you celebrate? If you were giving a commencement address—either to your own graduating class, or to graduates today—what would you say? Share your graduation stories forward.
Those We Miss
On Memorial Day, our thoughts turn to those we’ve lost. But we can also miss people who are not gone but are far away, or a bygone era, or even an earlier version of ourselves that now seems remote. Think back … and take a few moments to memorialize someone (or something) you once had but now long for. Share your memorial stories forward.
Best of friends, worst of enemies—or both in one day! Think back … did you compete with your brothers and sisters for parental attention and affection, or ally against a common enemy? If you had no siblings, did you want them or did you consider yourself lucky? How do your children or grandchildren get along with their siblings? Love ’em or hate ’em, share your sibling stories forward.