Good Riddance

Pantyhose. Curlers. Coonskin caps. Disco. Polyester. Nixon. Segregation. Think back … what object, person, or trend from our past are you thrilled to have behind us? What role did they play in your life, and what accounted for their eventual demise? Give us your quick take—a story you can write in 15 minutes or less—and bid good riddance to our past mistakes.

Turning Points

Life is rarely linear. Think back … to when time seemed to stop. It stands motionless for a moment, a day, a week—who can tell?—then teeters, while a life, a family, a venture, a nation hangs in the balance. Then it falls—to one side or another—and the world changes. As we usher in the New Year and winds down, share your turning point stories forward.


Summer camp—often a child’s first extended stay away from home —can leave an indelible imprint on all who attend. Think back … If you went, where and with whom? What activities did you love and hate? Were you homesick? How did it change you? Or, tell a story about sending your kids to camp, or about going camping. Share your camp stories forward.


Travel, they say, is broadening— and not just for the waistline. Think back … to a key travel experience in your life. A semester abroad? Bumming around Europe after college? A trek through Nepal? Or a journey within your own mind? How did it affect you? Did it change your life? Share your travel stories forward.