Best Advice: Money

Money is often a taboo subject, even more than sex. Think back … how did you learn about money? How did you and your partner deal with money issues? Have you told your kids how much you have? What do you know now that you wish you had known when you were young? What advice would you give your grandchildren? Share your money stories forward.

In the Band

Prototypically, you played guitar in a garage rock band. But maybe you played chamber music or sang in the choir. Maybe you performed in plays or danced in a troupe. Or you played team sports or led cheers. Maybe your band was scouts or a religious youth group, or simply a band of brothers (or sisters). Think back … what bands were important to you and why? Share your band memories forward.


Mother and infant

As Ogden Nash wrote, “Children aren’t happy with nothing to ignore / And that’s what parents were created for.” Think back … Why did you choose to be a parent—or did parenthood choose you? Which stories best encapsulate the joys and sorrows, pride and frustration, privileges and responsibilities of being a parent? Or, if you’re not a parent, well, that’s a story too. Share your parenthood stories forward.