Acquired Tastes

As a kid, were you told that some of the foods you refused to eat were “acquired tastes?” Later, did you find that you liked them?

Beyond the broccoli on your plate, have you found that you’ve grown to like or even love other once-unsavory slices of life?

Think back to Acquired Tastes and share forward!

City vs Suburbs

Do you love the city?  Are you energized by the hustle and the bustle,  the rush of the people on the sidewalks,  and the noise of the traffic in the streets and in the shops and restaurants?  Do you like the anonymity of the urban life?

Or do you prefer the relative quietness of life in the suburbs or in small towns with only a screen door between you and your neighbors?

Or does an even more rural lifestyle attract you?

Think back about City vs Suburbs and share forward!

Mending Fences

From childhood we’ve learned that part of life is losing and misplacing friendships,  and then making efforts to reunite and make amends.

Some friendships break up over disagreements or wrong choices – real or perceived – that are made.  And sometimes life just takes you down different roads until one day you meet again.

Do you remember a friendship lost until the two of you managed to patch things up,  or managed to track each other down after many years,  or across many miles?   Or are you still hoping for that to happen before it’s too late?

Think back about Mending Fences and share forward!


My Real Estate Story

We all have a real estate story — the house you bought for a song or that great rent-controlled apartment with the river view.

Or the fixer-upper that milked you dry, the roof that leaked, or the sink hole in the backyard, the noisy upstairs neighbor you took to court and the landlord or the tenant from Hell.

Or that lucky day you found your dream house!

Think back about  My Real Estate Story and share forward!