
“All’s the world’s a stage,” Shakespeare has told us.  Have you seen theatrical performances that have delighted you,  or intrigued you, or brought you to tears?  Or perhaps you’ve sat in the orchestra pit, or have directed, or been on the other side of the footlights as an actor?  Or worked behind the scenes at stage craft or sewn costumes?  Or had that dream job and been paid to go to the theater as a reviewer?

Think back about Theater and share forward!


Nearly everyone has seen lightning, one of the most ubiquitous demonstrations of nature’s elemental power. Lightning also enables plants to grow. Some people revel in lightning’s power,  while others seek shelter at the first distant peal of its voice. Was there a time when lightning impacted your life?

Think back about Lightning and share forward!


Our lives are full of ceremonies.  Many are rites of passage – christenings and b’nai mitzvahs,  graduations and weddings,  naturalizations,  inductions,  and ordinations.  Others are less formal,  foreign to us,  or deeply personal.   What ceremonies have you attended?  Participated in?  Or even generated from your own needs,  wishes or beliefs?

Think back about Ceremony and share forward!


Nearly every creature on the planet lives with a fight or flight response to danger.  Have you ever been in danger?  Were you ever forced into danger by chance or necessity?  Did you ever court danger?  Have you done something fun,  foolish, and dangerous?   Tell us your danger tales.

Think back about Danger and share forward!

Retrospect Retrospective

Started by John and Patti Zussman, and then later acquired by Suzy, Retrospect has built a community by asking Baby Boomers “What’s Your Story?” for more than seven years and three thousand stories. Think back … about some of your favorite prompts or stories and/or how Retrospect has impacted your life. Share your Retrospect Retrospective stories forward.

My First Computer

Early computers were owned by large companies, filled rooms, and required temperature control. With electronic typewriters containing computer interfaces paving the way, in not much time at all we eased into personal computers — desktops, and laptops. Think back … Do you remember your first computer experience? Was it on a personal computer or one of those giants like the UNIVAC featured here? Share your My First Computer stories forward.

Directionally Challenged

Some of us seem to have an innate sense of direction, others of us can get disoriented within, or emerging from, a parking garage, subway, or even a building. We might draw a blank when directed to head north, south, east or west. Think back … Before GPS, did you rely on a map or a compass to get you to where you were going, or could you find your way on your own? Share your Directionally Challenged stories forward.

The Dentist

Many people put off going to the dentist, often because of anxiety based on past experiences. Think back … How did you feel about going to the dentist as a child? Did you have any experiences that made you fearful, or did you receive wonderful dental care? How did going to the dentist change for your children or for you as you grew older? Share your dentist stories forward.

Retail Rewards

Remember trading stamps? We’d receive them at the checkout counters of some supermarkets and gas stations, mount them in collector’s books, then redeem them for products. Contemporary customer loyalty programs offer cash-back coupons, members-only sales, rewards points, and punch cards … buy 10, get the 11th one free. Think back … have you ever redeemed trading stamps, rewards points, or a punch card freebie? Share your Retail Rewards stories forward.

Family Feud

Our families may not look like the Hatfield and McCoy clans, but family feuds are still common in our lives. As families gathered this week for Thanksgiving dinner, political disagreements or other interpersonal problems may have risen to the surface. Think back … What feuds do you remember in your own or someone else’s family? How did they start? Were they ever resolved? Share your Family Feud stories forward.