
When I was about eight, I woke up on Thanksgiving morning to a beautiful, fresh, sunlit snowfall. Then I had to shovel it. Think back … what adventures and memorable experiences have you had in snow? Have you ever been snowbound? How did your child (or puppy) experience snow for the first time? Share your snow stories forward.


We’ve all tried to resist temptation—yet it can provide spice and excitement to life. Think back … what has tempted you? Did you resist? Did you give in? Do you regret either? Or, give us a quick take of your biggest temptations over the course of your life. Share your temptation stories forward.

Be Careful What You Wish For

Loy Krathong

Traditionally, the holidays are a time for wishing and dreaming. Think back … what have you wished for over the years? Which dreams were fulfilled? Which were not? Did any of them backfire? How have your dreams changed over the years? What do you wish for now? Share your wishes and dreams forward.