In Trouble

On Presidents’ Day we recall George Washington, who famously got “in trouble” for chopping down a cherry tree. Think back … to your own acts of mischief or rebellion. What prompted you? Who were you with? Who found out, and what was the punishment? How did you respond when your own children got in trouble? Share your stories of getting in trouble forward.

The First Time

On this Valentine’s Day, think back … to your first Valentine. Or, first kiss. First date. First meeting. First sex. First house. First child. First Prize. The first time is always special, isn’t it? Pick a first and tell us about it—what led up to it, how it felt at the time, what happened after. Share your firsts forward.


Back in the day, girls took home ec while boys took shop. But in real life, almost everyone cooks at some point. Think back … what do you cook and how did you learn? What’s your signature dish? What are your triumphs and what are your disasters? Have you taught your kids to cook? Or, if you don’t cook—well, that’s a story too. Share your cooking stories forward.

View from the Mountaintop

The concurrence this week of Martin Luther King Jr. Day with the presidential inauguration is too juicy to ignore. Think back … we’ve seen a lot of history over our lifetimes. What’s your perspective on the state of the union? Where are we in King’s “arc of the moral universe?” Can you see the promised land? What do you want the new administration to understand? Share your mountaintop views forward.