
Childhood friends on path

“Friends,” said the Chinese philosopher Mencius, “are the siblings God never gave us.” Baby boomers, think back … to friendships past and ongoing. What bonded you? Was your friendship smooth or rocky? Did it endure? How did it affect your life? Do you have a best friend now? Share your friendship stories forward.

Women’s Lib

Ms. Magazine

We came of age with second-wave feminism, or as we called it then, women’s lib. Think back … was your consciousness raised? When and by what? Did you read The Women’s Room or Ms? Did you have a “click” experience? Do you consider yourself a feminist now? Did you attend a recent women’s march? As we observe International Women’s Day (March 8), share your feminism stories forward.

Toys & Games

Back in the day, toys weren’t as sophisticated as they are now—but that didn’t stop us! Think back … what were your favorite toys, dolls, or games? How did they spark your imagination? Does a particular toy stand out in your memory? What toys have you passed on to your children or grandchildren? Share your toy stories forward.

Dance Crazes

We can almost trace our lives through popular dances. Baby boomers, think back … remember the Hokey Pokey? The Limbo? The Twist and the Frug? Line dancing and swing dancing? The Hustle? The Macarena? Which dances stand out? What role did dancing play in your life? Were you caught up in disco? Did you dance like no one was watching? Share your dance stories forward.