War & Remembrance

US Vietnam Veterans Memorial

We were conceived after World War II, born during Korea, and came of age during Vietnam. Baby boomers, think back … did you serve? Did you resist? Were you eligible for the draft? How do you remember those who sacrificed for our country? What do you think is worth dying for? America has been involved in many wars during our lifetime. Are you worried about another? Share your Memorial Day stories forward.



Let’s look at Mother’s Day from the flip side—babies! Think back … did you want them? Did you have them? Did you try to avoid having them? Were they what you expected? What memories stand out? If you have grandbabies, how does that differ from having babies? What advice would you give to prospective parents now? Share your baby stories forward.



On Earth Day this week, scientists will march on Washington (and other cities) to protest the marginalization of science by the new administration. Think back … Did you like science class? Did you do science projects or take part in science fairs? Did you “watch Mr. Wizard” or blow up the garage? What’s the role of science in your life—and the world? Share your science stories forward.

Big Fan

Baseball Opening Day: Players and Fans

On baseball’s Opening Day, players take the field—and fans take the stands to cheer them on. Baby boomers, think back … fandom isn’t limited to sports. What teams, players, musicians, artists, companies, or products have you been fanatic about? What’s the role of fandom in your life? Share your fan stories forward.