
Marijuana plant

Happy New Year! As of today, purchasing recreational cannabis is legal in California, and some form is now legal in 29 states. Think back … What was your first experience with pot? Did you inhale? Where and with whom? Do you use it now? For fun or for medicine? What have you told your kids about drug use? Share your marijuana stories forward.

That Night

Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh

This week we observe the winter solstice, the longest night of the year. Think back … to a significant night in your life. Maybe a Christmas Eve as a kid or a candlelit Hanukkah as a parent. A warm moony summer night or a chill starry winter one. A festive all-night party or a dark night of the soul. What happened that night and how did it affect you? Share your night stories forward.

Being Different

Rainbow flag - Minneapolis Pride Parade

In a world that rewards conformity and condemns deviance, it’s not easy being green. Think back … Were you LGBTQ in a straight world? A woman in a man’s world? A racial, ethnic, or religious minority? Atheist or evangelical, geek or jock, liberal or conservative? Have a physical or mental disability? Did you come out as who you are? Who has come out to you? Did your children or grandchildren struggle to fit in? Share your nonconformity stories forward.


Steve Jobs with MacBook Air

Tech products are perennial holiday gifts—but what are the stories behind them? Think back … How has technology changed the world? How has it changed your world? What has it replaced that you miss? What technology have you embraced? What technology do you abhor? And where are our flying cars? Share your technology stories forward.