Books That Inspired Me

Are you a reader? If so what genres or authors do you like?

Did you read as a child? Were you read to? Have you read to your own children?

What books have inspired you, and in what ways?

Think back about Books That Inspired Me and share forward!

Fears and Phobias

Many of us have fears or phobias – either legitimate or exaggerated.

Are you afraid of flying, or of dogs or spiders or snakes? Are you phobic about being in an enclosed space, or in a crowd, or about germs?

Have you ever tried to overcome these issues — with or without success?

Think back about Fears and Phobias and share forward!


From shamanism to science, from plants to placebos,  we humans look beyond our bodies to cure illness, ease psychic pain, or alter reality.  And as we age, we turn more frequently to pharmacies and prescriptions.

What lurks in your medicine chest? Is it empty or overflowing with little plastic bottles? Do you feel secure as you swallow your morning dose, or do you curse your fate? And have you ever followed Jefferson Airplane’s advice to “Feed your head”?

Think back about Pills and share forward!

TV That Inspired Me

FCC Commissioner Newton Minow once labeled television as “a vast wasteland.” Journalist Marie Winn wrote a critique of TV in her 1977 book The Plug-In Drug. Is TV merely a “wasteland” or a “drug?” Perhaps not.
What were two or three shows that proved inspirational as you grew from adolescence to adulthood? What about these shows inspired you?

Or maybe televised inspiration hit you earlier or later in life and caused you to think about changing direction. Let us know!

Thank back about TV That Inspired Me and share forward!