
Nixon campaigns

It was the third-rate burglary that took down a sitting president. Think back … What do you remember? Did you follow it closely? Who were the heroes? What did you think of Nixon, then and now? What did we learn about politics and government? Do you see parallels with the current administration? Is our “long national nightmare” finally over? On this Presidents’ Day, share your Watergate stories forward.


Ten thousand baby boomers retire every day. Think back … What’s your image of retirement and where did it come from? What were your parents’ and grandparents’ retirements like? Have you retired? If so, what’s it like? If not, do you plan to? How do you envision it? Will you be able to survive financially? Is there a downside to retirement? Share your retirement stories forward.



We often have many roommates over the course of our lives—not just at college, post-college, or camp, but also the families we grew up in and the families we formed. Think back … which roommates were most memorable? What brought you together? How did you get along? What endeared you to them? What drove you crazy? If you lived alone, what was it like not having a roommate? Share your roommate stories forward.

A Year in the Life


This week marks a year since Donald Trump’s inauguration. Think back … to a significant year in your life. Your senior year of high school, or a gap year. Your first year of marriage, or the year you broke up. Your child’s or grandchild’s first year. Your favorite year or a year of loss. A year of heaven or a year from hell. Or, reflect on the last year and how you survived it. Pick a year and share it forward.