Vintage Photos

Nixon and Elvis

Here’s a “quick take” prompt (a story you can write in 15 minutes or less): Find a favorite or vintage photo and tell the story behind it. Maybe it’s a family heirloom, a relic from your photo album, or a reminder of a bygone period in your life. Who’s in it?—partners, friends, close relatives, or family you never knew? Why is it meaningful to you? Share your favorite old photos forward.

Aunts & Uncles

Dorothy, Em, & Henry

Aunts and uncles can play a special role in our lives—adults, yet without the complication of being our parents. Think back … to a favorite or important aunt or uncle. Did they mentor you? Give you advice? Were they eccentric with extreme political views? Did you have “virtual” aunts and uncles who weren’t related? What’s it like to be an aunt or uncle to a favorite niece or nephew? Share your aunts and uncles stories forward.



“Let’s eat out.” Think back … to restaurants you have frequented, loved, and hated. Family meals. Date nights. Special occasions. Exotic food in foreign lands. What’s the first restaurant you ever went to? The best restaurant meal you remember? Your worst restaurant disaster? What are your go-to restaurants now? Golden arches or Michelin stars, share your restaurant stories forward.

Best Picture

Oscar statuettes

As the suspense builds to the Oscars, think back … What’s the first movie you remember seeing? Which movie gets your vote for Best Picture Ever? How about Worst Ever? What movie changed our culture? What movie changed your life? Which stars did you idolize or lust after? What movie can you quote, line for line, beginning to end? Share your movie stories forward.