
Gift wrapped Aston

As children, gifts seemed magical to us. Think back … What’s the earliest gift you remember? What’s the best gift you’ve given or received? What’s the worst gift you’ve given or received? Do you enjoy shopping for gifts, or is it a burden? What’s it like giving gifts to grandchildren? Is it more blessed to give or to receive? Are gifts still magical? Share your gift stories forward.


Warmth of home

We all want to be home for the holidays, but what does that mean? Think back … Why did you settle where you did? How did you choose your home? Have you bought,  rented, built, or renovated real estate? How did that work out? Have you ever been homeless? What sights, sounds, tastes, and smells remind you of home? What was it like to leave home? Can you go home again? Share your home stories forward.

Songs We Sang

Victoria carolers via James Abbott on Flickr

Almost before we learn to talk, we learn to sing. We sing nursery rhymes, the alphabet, in church, at camp, in school, in youth groups. If we’re lucky, we keep singing as adults. Think back … What’s the first song you remember singing? Did you “follow the bouncing ball?” Did you and a partner have “our song?” If you sing karaoke, what’s your go-to selection? Share your singing stories forward.


Goose family

Thanksgiving is for families—but what does that mean? We think of mom, dad, and 2.2 kids, but families are multifaceted and change over time. Think back … to ways your family has been extended, blended, and compacted. Has it evolved through (inter)marriage, divorce, death, remarriage, or adoption? Has it acquired stepchildren, exchange students, or strays—or been divided by rifts or feuds? Share your family stories forward.