
From elementary school pop quizzes, to blue book essays, to SATs and MCATs, we all took exams. Were you a natural test taker, crammer, worrier? How else have you been tested in your life, professionally or ethically? How do your kids handle exams today? Think back … remember when you nailed the exam or ran out of time. Share your exams stories forward.

Social Media Friendships

Facebook and social media have changed the nature of friendship. Have you acquired a circle of virtual friends? What is the impact of having friends you never see in person? Has social media improved people’s lives by giving access to more people, or is not seeing folks in the flesh or talking to them on the phone a detriment to relationships? Think back… Did you ever have a pen pal or maintain a friendship through correspondence? How is social media different from that experience? Share your social media friendship stories forward.

Learning to Drive

A driver’s license started us on the road to autonomy, and driving lessons certainly bring back memories. Were you excited or leery? Did you learn in Driver’s Ed or from a parent? How did your kids learn? Think back … to who taught you or who you taught, and how fun (or scary) it was. Share your learning to drive stories forward.

PE Pleasures and Perils

Love it or hate it, we had to take physical education. Whether it was being beaned in dodge ball or picked first or last for a team, what was memorable for you? Has PE changed for your kids? Think back … tell us about your best (or worst) teachers and times in the gym. Share your story of PE pleasures and perils forward.