
Diogenes searched Athens for an honest man and couldn’t find one. Can relationships today thrive without honesty? Is honesty overrated? Are white lies ever preferable to telling the absolute truth? How do you feel about honesty in politics? On social media? Between friends? With your significant other? Think back . . . how has honesty or lack of it impacted your life or those around you? Share your honesty stories forward.


July is anti-boredom month, but perhaps we could all do with a little boredom in our lives. Think back… What did you do when you felt bored as a child? What do you do now? Are you someone for whom boredom leads to creativity, or do you need to feel busy all of the time? How has the concept of boredom changed for your kids’ or grandkids’ generation? Share your boredom stories forward.

Beach Reads

Summertime, and the reading is easy. In July, many of us turn to lighter fare and page turners for vacation or beach books. Think back… What have you enjoyed reading during the lazy, hazy days of summer? Do you have memories of favorite summer books? What are your top recommendations for the perfect beach book? What’s on your reading list for this summer? What are your kids and grandkids reading, if they still read? Share your beach reads stories forward.


We often associate fireworks with the Fourth of July, but at Disney parks they have them every night. Do you love them or hate them? What about metaphorical fireworks, defined as “an outburst of anger or other emotion, or a display of brilliance or energy.” Think back . . . to a memorable explosion, either literal or metaphorical. Share your fireworks stories forward.