Hacks and Scams

High-tech hacks and scams, from phishing, to ransomware, to worms and viruses, are happening all the time—even to Retrospect with bogus emails. But cons have always been with us, in person and door to door. Have you or loved ones been conned, hacked, or scammed? Maybe you foiled a scam, and if so, how? Think back … to yesterday’s cons or recent cybercrimes. Share your hacks and scams stories forward.

Get Organized

January is Get Organized month. Getting organized is a lofty goal, but not easy for most. We are told by Marie Kondo to tidy up and get rid of things that do not bring us joy. Easier said than done as boomers try to downsize and organize a lifetime of clutter and possessions. Think back… What are the possessions that are hardest for you to part with? Have you made efforts to organize your books, photos, papers, and your life? Share your get organized stories forward.

Nannies and Babysitters

Everyone with young children leaves them with a sitter sooner or later. Some families have full-time nannies or foreign au pairs, and some only the occasional teenage babysitter. Think back . . .  to your childhood or that of your kids, or to your own experiences as a babysitter. Do you have any memorable tales of good or bad childcare situations? Share your nannies and babysitters stories forward.

Games People Play

In 1964, psychiatrist Eric Berne’s book, Games People Play, was a best-seller. He was talking about psychological games, such as “See What You Made Me Do” or “Let’s You and Him Fight.” Did you ever read this book and/or play these mind games? What about real games such as poker, scrabble, chess, or ping pong? Think back … what games stand out in your memory? What games do you play now? Share your game stories forward.