The New Year

For many, the new year is a time for resolutions and reflections on the previous year, and starting a new decade is a big deal. For others, January 1, 2020 is just another day. Do you go out to celebrate, count down the seconds, or ignore the whole thing? Think back… how did you recognize the new year in the past? Do you have a favorite New Year’s story? Share your stories about the new year forward.

Quick Take: New Movies

It’s almost Oscar time, and all the movie studios are coming out with their heavy hitters. What was your favorite movie of 2019, or the one you think will win the Oscar? We call this kind of prompt a “quick take,” designed to elicit stories you can write in 15 minutes or less. Share your new movies story forward.


Do you love the upcoming holidays or does the holidaze season leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressed? Some find December the happiest time of the year, while others feel annoyed or depressed. Do you see the holidays as spiritual or commercial or a bit of both? Think back… What were the traditions you loved or hated growing up? How did you celebrate holidays with your own family? What are they like for you now? Share your holidaze stories forward.


“But they’re cousins, identical cousins all the way.” Only on the Patty Duke Show could cousins be identical. But in some families cousins can feel as close as siblings, or even closer. In other families they are little more than strangers. Think back . . . what kind of relationships did you have with your cousins? What about your children and their cousins? Do you have non-relatives that are so close you call them cousins? Share your cousins stories forward.