The sense of smell is closely linked with memory, probably more so than any of our other senses. You might be walking down the street and pick up a scent that takes you back in time to a particular moment. Think back . . . maybe the smell of batter reminds you of your grandmother’s pancakes, or just the thought of a scent conjures a recollection of a certain summer, or a special someone. Share your fragrant flashbacks stories forward.
Door-to-Door Sales
Long before the internet enabled us to shop at home, there were door-to-door salespeople who rang the bell and came into our living rooms with a case full of products. The Avon Lady, the Fuller Brush Man, and many others traveled around the country selling their wares. Think back . . . Did you ever buy products from a door-to-door salesperson? Did you ever try to support yourself selling products door-to-door? Would you allow a salesperson into your house now? Share your door-to-door sales stories forward.
Freud told us our nightly dreams represent our unconscious desires and thoughts. Disney’s Cinderella sang “A dream is a wish your heart makes.” Eleanor Roosevelt told us, “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” But not all dreams are beautiful. Everyone has had anxiety dreams, those repetitive dreams about being naked in public or showing up for an exam in a course you never took. And nightmares, so frightening that you wake up in a sweat or in tears, thankful when you realize it was only a dream. Think back … What were the dreams that were memorable to you, either for good or for bad? Share your dreams stories forward.
Spring Celebrations
Spring brings many celebrations, the biggest of which are Passover and Easter, but there are lots of others, including Purim, St. Patrick’s Day, May Day, and even Major League Baseball opening day. Think back . . . what spring celebrations were the most memorable ones in your childhood? What have you celebrated with your children or grandchildren? Share your spring celebrations stories forward.