Thomas Wolfe’s novel tells us You Can’t Go Home Again. Whether or not you agree, you undoubtedly have memories, good or bad, humorous or serious, of your hometown. On this Fourth of July, think back … What was your hometown like? What did you love or hate about your town when you were young? If you have moved away, do you ever wish you still lived there? How does it compare with the place you live now? Share your hometown stories forward.
Chance Encounters
Whether you call it kismet, fate, destiny or simply coincidence, a chance encounter can change your world in an instant or inspire a chain of events that shifts your life’s course. Think back… can you remember an encounter that had a profound impact on the moment or led to unexpected opportunities? Was there someone, whether well known to you, a slight acquaintance, or a total stranger, who changed the path of your life, or whose life you changed? Share your chance encounters stories forward.
In our youth, Reader’s Digest had a popular feature called “Was My Face Red,” where people sent in their embarrassing stories. We’ve all been embarrassed at one time or another, either by something we ourselves did or said, or by somebody else’s words or actions. Think back . . . Do you remember a time when an incident left you red-faced? Wishing the earth would open up and swallow you whole? Or when you caused embarrassment to another person? Share your embarrassment stories forward.
Whether they came in the mail or were purchased from the newsstand, magazines were a part of our lives. Perhaps they are still part of yours. From My Weekly Reader to the Utne Reader, from Teen to Time, from Mad to Mademoiselle, we learned about our culture and society from magazines. Think back … what were your favorite magazines? How did they influence you? Do you read magazines today or have you given up paper for digital versions? Share your magazines stories forward.