In An Essay on Criticism, Alexander Pope wrote the famous words, “To err is human; to forgive, divine.” International Forgiveness Day is August 2nd. Yet so many of us struggle with forgiving. Think back… Have you forgiven an old hurt, or do you feel forgiving would be letting someone off the hook for real harm done? Do you long for forgiveness from someone you have hurt? Can people really forgive and forget? How has forgiveness or the lack of it impacted your life? Share your forgiveness stories forward.
Pandemic Summer
It’s the end of July, almost five months since COVID-19 entered our consciousness and upended our lives. In March we asked you about how your community and activities were being shut down. In May we asked how you were grappling with the changes that had occurred. Now businesses have reopened in many parts of the country, and a lot of people are refusing to wear masks. Tell us how things are where you live. How will you approach the future? Do you think life will resume as it was before, or do you envision a new normal? Think back … what do you miss most from the “before times”? Share your pandemic summer stories forward.
Cursive — Curse or Blessing?
Most elementary schools no longer include cursive penmanship in their curriculum. The thinking is that printing by hand is sufficient, and with digital technology, typing is faster and more easily and quickly read. Think back…when was the last time you received a handwritten letter, wrote a letter by hand, or even took notes by hand? How does handwriting play a role in your everyday life, or does it? Share your Cursive stories forward.
Protests were a part of our lives in the ’60s and ’70s, whether we participated in them or not. Civil rights and Vietnam were the issues back then. For the last three years there have been protests against the current government. Now there are protests by Black Lives Matter and allies, because of the police killing of Black people, catalyzed by the murder of George Floyd caught on witness video. Think back . . . Did you protest in your teens or twenties? Why or why not? What is your take on the current wave of protests? Share your protests stories forward.