Lost and Found

We boomers have lost many things on our journey to this phase of life. Of course, possessions, but also jobs, relationships, opportunities, people we loved, and on occasion our way. But we have also recovered some of those lost relationships and possessions, started new relationships, and have found new opportunities, dreams, insights, and paths forward.
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Yard Sales

One person’s junk can be another person’s treasure, especially at a yard sale. Whether before a move or because of the urge to purge, many of us have cleaned out our possessions and sold them on the lawn or from the garage. And, we might have combed through other people’s items looking for that unappreciated gem. Think back … What have you sold or bought and why? Are you a yard sale junkie? Did you ever make an exceptional find? Share your yard sales stories forward.

I Swore I’d Never

Most of us remember swearing we’d never do things our parents did. It might have been something small, like a habit you found annoying, maybe laughing or talking too loud. Or it might have been much larger, like a political or social view. Maybe it was obvious, like being hypercritical; or perhaps it was subtle, even passive aggressive. Think back…what have you done that you swore you’d never do? Share your I Swore I’d Never stories forward.

Birth Order

In 1960, the average family in America had 2.33 children. By 2019, that number had fallen to 1.9, with an increase of single-child families. August 12 is middle child day, but as the trend is to have fewer children, the middle child is rarer these days. Think back … How did birth order affect your life or your children’s lives? Do you agree with the stereotypes of diligent and driven firstborns, people-pleasing, peacemaking middle children, fun-loving, sociable lastborns, or spoiled, lonely only children? Share your birth order stories forward.