The first supermarket in the country — a Piggly Wiggly — opened in Memphis, Tennessee in 1916. Since then by choice or necessity, we all shop in supermarkets and hopefully those experiences are uneventful and not unpleasant — or are they?
Have you had some eventful or out-of-the-ordinary adventures — either good or bad — while shopping in supermarkets?
2024 has rammed electoral-year people, places, and events into our hearts, minds, and nerves.
Another election 56 years ago also roared into our national consciousness. The Tet Offensive exposed the failures of the Vietnam War. Hair rocked Broadway with its naked hippiedom.
A white supremacist assassinated Martin Luther King in Memphis. Robert F Kennedy was shot down in Los Angeles. In Chicago a protested 1968 Democratic convention chose Hubert Humphrey over Senator Eugene McCarthy, paving the way for a Nixon victory.
What does that pivotal year mean to you? Think back to 1968 and share forward!
Are some of your best childhood and teenage memories about time spent at amusement parks?
Do you remember when you could intentionally and legally ram another vehicle with your Bumper Car? Or when you could tempt fate on the Big Dipper roller coaster, or ride the Tilt-O-Whirl until your stomach gave up your greasy midway junk food all over your date?
Think back about Amusement Park Memories and share forward!