
Drive-in movie

Drive-in movies. Drive-in restaurants. It seems like we were always at one or the other. Think back … to the car culture of our childhood or teenage years. What memories do drive-ins conjure up for you? Food servers on roller skates? Popcorn all over the car? Necking (or more) in the back seat? What should our unlucky progeny know about this world they never knew? Share your drive-in stories forward.

Beatles vs Stones

Beatles vs Stones via Tyler Merbler on flickr

Think back … to the “British invasion.” It was the Beatles vs the Rolling Stones and you had to pick a side. The moptops next door or the bad boys of rock? Soulful John or unruly Mick? “She Loves You” or “Satisfaction?” “The White Album” or “Sticky Fingers?” Do you still love their music? Are you fans of the remaining band members now? Share your Beatles and Stones stories forward.

What We Ate

Think back … to family dinners. Reading cereal boxes at the breakfast table. Lunch in the school cafeteria. Barbecues. Drive-ins. Pizza parlors. Chinese takeout. Burger joints. “Special occasion” restaurants. So many of our memories revolve around food. Share them forward!

Grandparents & Grandchildren

Many children have special relationships with one or more grandparents—and vice versa. Think back … to your own grandparents; what made them special? What would you like others to know about them? What’s it like to have your own grandchildren? How would you like them to think of you? You must have a hundred stories about grandparenting. Share them forward!


We’ve spent our lives learning lessons, not always by choice. Think back … to music lessons, art lessons, dance lessons, language lessons, sports or martial arts. Was there a teacher you particularly remember? Did you practice? Did you perform? Or are there lessons you learned from life that you’d like to pass on? Share your lessons forward.

My First Car

Sensible car or chick-magnet? Chevy Corvette or VW Beetle? Dad’s T-Bird or Mom’s station wagon? Think back … keys in your hand, new license in your pocket. What did you drive and where did you go? What did it mean to have a vehicle of your own? Share your first car stories forward.

First Day of School

Think back … Which first day of school sticks in your mind? Your first day of kindergarten, watching as the classroom door closed and your parents were gone? Or your first day of college, watching as the station wagon hatch closed and your parents drove away? Were you excited? anxious? elated? terrified?

Or perhaps your story is about dropping a child off at school or college. Whatever your experience, you’ve got a story to tell. Share it forward.