Be Careful What You Wish For

Loy Krathong

Traditionally, the holidays are a time for wishing and dreaming. Think back … what have you wished for over the years? Which dreams were fulfilled? Which were not? Did any of them backfire? How have your dreams changed over the years? What do you wish for now? Share your wishes and dreams forward.


“Because of our traditions,” Tevye taught us, “everyone knows who he is and what God expects him to do.” But Tevye’s world was upending, and so is ours. Think back … in this holiday season when tradition is everywhere, what traditions did you grow up with? Which have you kept, and which have you discarded? What’s your favorite tradition, and which would you nominate for oblivion? Share your traditions forward.


It seems like The Simpsons and Toy Story have been around forever, but we grew up with our own cartoons. Think back … to Mickey and Bugs, Mighty Mouse and Tom Terrific, Rocky and Bullwinkle, Popeye and Road Runner, Huck and Yogi, Bambi and Dumbo, Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Which were your favorites? How did they affect you? What were your kids addicted to? Share your cartoon stories forward.


Thanksgiving: Family and friendship, gatherings and gratitude, food and football. Think back … how did you celebrate, and with whom? What was your best Thanksgiving—and what was the worst, or weirdest? What are you grateful for, and what are you not? What do you look forward to, and what would you change about it? Share your Thanksgiving memories forward.

The American Dream

Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? A house in the suburbs, a picket fence, 2.4 kids, a dog, and two cars in the garage? Think back … what does the American Dream mean to you? Did you grow up believing in it? Did you pursue it? Was it accessible to you, and to others? At this point, is it a dream, a nightmare, a reality, or an illusion? Share your American dreams forward.


2008 Democratic National Convention

As this election season draws to a close, think back … What’s your earliest election memory? What notable candidates have you voted for? Who is your favorite president in your lifetime? For what causes or candidates have you worked or demonstrated? Have you run for office yourself? What’s your take on the state of politics today? Share your political memories forward.

The Great Beyond

Halloween and Day of the Dead give us a glimpse of ghosts, spirits, and the world beyond. Think back … what was your first experience of death? A grandparent? A pet that “went to live on a farm upstate?” How did you tell your kids about it? Have you had your own brush with death? Do you believe in an afterlife? Do you plan to “go gentle into that good night?” Share your stories of mortality forward.


Halloween bats

It’s the one day of the year we can be someone else. Think back … what was your best Halloween costume? What was your best prank? Did you seek out scary experiences? What was it like to take your kids (or grandkids) trick-or-treating? Have you continued to celebrate Halloween as an adult? Share your Halloween memories forward.