
HR '72 reunion, October 2017

Thanksgiving is a popular time for family reunions, but you’ve got plenty of leeway on this prompt. Think back … to a memorable family, high school, college, or work reunion. Was it a chance to renew old bonds? Catch up with long-lost friends? Hook up with that old flame or hot cousin? Or was it, as one TV writer put it, “all the people you never wanted to see again in one place?” Share your reunion stories forward.

Gender Roles

The Honeymooners

When we were kids, “girls were girls and men were men.” But as we came of age, lines began to blur. Think back … who were your gender role models when you were growing up? Were you influenced by sitcoms, Seventeen, Playboy, or Ms? How did you assign responsibilities in your marriage or partnership? What were the conflicts and struggles? What did you teach your kids? Share your gender role stories forward.


Birthday party

We might dread them now, but not so long ago we could hardly wait for each year to pass. Think back … to a most memorable birthday. Was it your own, as a child or adult? A spouse or partner? A friend? A child? A grandchild? Who was there? How did you celebrate? How do you view birthdays now? Share your birthday stories forward.


9/11 Memorial

Sixteen years later and it still feels raw. Think back … where were you on 9/11? What do you remember? Did you lose anyone you knew? How did it change the world? How did it change your world? What lessons do we still need to learn? Share your 9/11 stories forward.



There’s magic and romance to hitchhiking—but also plenty of risk. Think back … when and where did you hitchhike? Who picked you up? What adventures did you have? Have you picked up hitchhikers? Did you let your kids hitchhike? What advice would you submit to The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy? Share your hitchhiking stories forward.


Bandaged Teddy

By our age, most of us have faced serious illness—ourselves, a family member, a close friend. Think back … How did you learn the diagnosis? What was the prognosis? Have you undergone surgery? How did you cope, and who gave care and support? How were the doctors, nurses, hospitals, and treatments? How did you manage the cost? How did illness change you? Share your illness stories forward.

Quick Take: How Is This Still a Thing?

Confederate flag

Tanning beds. Daylight Savings Time. Confederate flags. The Electoral College. Think back … In this week’s “Quick Take” (a story you can write in 15 minutes or less), inspired by John Oliver’s Last Week Tonight, we invite you to nominate a person, thing, or trend that has outlived its sell-by date. Is it a holdover from a previous worldview? A relic of days gone by? Share your nominations for extinction forward.

Let’s Put On a Show

Pied Piper at Dyess AFB

Talent shows. Recitals. Drama club. Think back … most of us have performed in public at some point. Were you in a children’s choir? A high school musical? Did you put on skits for your parents? How did you do? Did you get stagefright? Have your children and grandchildren performed? Share your performing stories forward.

Summer of Love

Hippie girl

The 50th anniversary of the fabled Summer of Love is being marked by TV specials and museum exhibits. Think back … did you go to San Francisco? Wear flowers in your hair? Embrace hippie wardrobe, lifestyle, or values? Where were you in 1967? Did you, that year or any year, experience your own summer of love? Share your Summer of Love stories forward.


Statue of Liberty

For a nation of immigrants, we seem strangely ambivalent about new ones. Baby boomers, think back … how did your family get here? How did it become American? Did you or your family encounter prejudice? What are the stories of immigrants you know? How do you view today’s immigrants? Do immigrants (in the words of Hamilton) “get the job done?” On this Independence Day, share your immigrant stories forward.