
Mickey Mouse on Walk of Fame

In the future, Andy Warhol (famously) predicted, everyone will be famous for 15 minutes. Think back … What’s your claim to fame? Been on TV or in the news? If you’ve been famous, what was it like? If not, would you like to be? Have you had brushes with fame or the famous? Are today’s celebrities “famous for being famous?” Share your fame stories forward.

The Garden

Japanese garden

Come late summer, many of us spend more time in the garden, especially this year. Think back … Did your family have a garden when you were growing up? Flowers, vegetables, or both? Do you have a garden now? Have you grown your own food? How do you cope with critters and weeds? Do you visit public gardens or parks? How do you feel in the garden? Share your garden stories forward.

The Social Network

Social Media

Since the early days of bulletin-board systems and email lists, the Internet has been a way to connect. Think back … Are you on a social media app like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Pinterest? What do you share (besides cat videos)? Are your kids on? Given recent abuses, are you tempted to quit? How has social media changed your life? How has it changed our culture? Share your social media stories forward.


1968 Mustang

It was a momentous year, a cultural flashpoint. Think back … to the Tet offensive, LBJ’s withdrawal, the MLK and RFK assassinations, the Paris riots, the McCarthy campaign, the Chicago convention, Nixon’s election, the White Album and 2001. Where were you in 1968 and what do you remember? How did that year affect your life and the nation? What can we learn, fifty years later? Share your 1968 memories forward.


Velazquez, Rokeby Venus

We skinny-dipped at Woodstock and hot-tubbed with our friends, but most of us grew up with some notion of modesty. Think back … to times when you (or others) “let it all hang out.” Did you feel self-conscious? anxious? liberated? aroused? Have you been to nude beaches or pools, or nudist camps or resorts? Have you ever sexted? What did you teach your kids about nudity? Share your nudity stories forward.


After dieting

Remember when summer was “bikini season” and everyone seemed to be on a diet? Think back … to Slimfast and Metrecal, Weight Watchers and Jenny Craig, Atkins and Paleo. Did you diet? Why? Were you successful? How did you feel about dieting? Did you take dangerous diet meds like amphetamines or fen-phen? Did you ever develop an eating disorder or know others who did? How do you eat now? Share your diet stories forward.

Teachers & Mentors

Dead Poets Society via audnews.com

In graduation season, we think of teachers. Think back … to a significant teacher or mentor who helped shape your life. What did you learn from them? What do you remember about them? What made them special? Did they take a particular interest in you? How is your life different because of them? Share your teacher stories forward.

Student Activism

March for Our Lives

Kids today live in an anxious world of STEM, texting, hookups, active shooter drills, and marching against guns. But think back … to our world of new math, passing notes, making out, duck and cover drills, and marching against war. Were your school days as carefree as we imagine? What issues were you passionate about? What did you worry about? How do you feel about students today? Share your student activism stories forward.

Vintage Photos

Nixon and Elvis

Here’s a “quick take” prompt (a story you can write in 15 minutes or less): Find a favorite or vintage photo and tell the story behind it. Maybe it’s a family heirloom, a relic from your photo album, or a reminder of a bygone period in your life. Who’s in it?—partners, friends, close relatives, or family you never knew? Why is it meaningful to you? Share your favorite old photos forward.

Aunts & Uncles

Dorothy, Em, & Henry

Aunts and uncles can play a special role in our lives—adults, yet without the complication of being our parents. Think back … to a favorite or important aunt or uncle. Did they mentor you? Give you advice? Were they eccentric with extreme political views? Did you have “virtual” aunts and uncles who weren’t related? What’s it like to be an aunt or uncle to a favorite niece or nephew? Share your aunts and uncles stories forward.