Whether they were books you loved as a child, books you read to your own or other children, or today’s best sellers, children’s books hold a special place in our hearts. Think back … What books do you remember from your childhood? Is there a favorite book you have enjoyed reading to children? Do you think the death of brick and mortar bookstores, the rise of Amazon, and the popularity of e-readers for kids have impacted children’s enjoyment of books? Share your Children’s Books stories forward.
Variety Shows
Before streaming and cable offered thousands of channels and infinite choices, television variety shows gave us music, comedy, and entertainment of all kinds. Without DVRs to capture the broadcasts, we gathered in front of the TV set at show time and might have watched Ed Sullivan or Carol Burnett with the whole family. Think back … about your favorite variety shows. What do you miss most about them? Would you watch these types of shows now? Would young people enjoy them today? Share your Variety Shows stories forward.
Attention Span
May I have your attention please? You have probably heard those words many times in your life, but these days, many seem to have the attention span of a goldfish. Perhaps it’s the influence of smart phones or social media, with their ability to provide instant gratification. Think back … Do you recall listening to a program on the radio? How about lectures and speeches without accompanying power points or video presentations? Has your ability to pay attention changed? Share your Attention Span stories forward.
What was mealtime like as you were growing up? Did you sit down with your family for home-cooked meals at a certain time every day? Were you expected to remain at the table until everyone had finished eating? Was there lively conversation or was it relatively quiet? Or maybe you enjoyed those convenient TV dinners while watching family friendly fare on the tube. Think back … how did your mealtimes as a child compare with those as an adult, or with your mealtimes today? Share your mealtime stories forward.
9/11 Twenty Years Later
In 2017, the last time Retrospect asked about 9/11, memories might have been raw. But with today’s global pandemic crisis, which has killed more than 4 million people worldwide, 9/11 might seem distant—a single day when the threat to our security, a sudden blow from a terrorist force, killed 3,000 people. Think back … about your recollections now that 20 years have passed. What stands out about 9/11 now? What would you like today’s children and teenagers, who were born after 9/11, to know? Share your 9/11 Twenty Years Later stories forward.
Going to Work
On this Labor Day weekend, let’s focus on the “going” to work as well as the “working.” Think back … as a child, did you know how the grown-ups in your life got to work? In your own working life, did you ever have trouble getting there? If your employer did not provide parking, did you drive anyway, or use public transportation? What about carpools? Has the pandemic affected how you or someone you know goes to work? Share your Going to Work stories forward.
Home Repair
Sometimes a home repair is a remodeling project, undertaken voluntarily, that you are excited about. Sometimes it is a response to a disaster like leaking pipes that cause a flood. Think back … to a construction project in your childhood home or later in a house that you purchased yourself. Was it a delight or a disaster, or a little of both? Share your Home Repair stories forward.
Senior Moments
Senior Citizen Day is August 21, and that’s cause to celebrate. But with senior status often come senior moments—those “momentary” feelings of drawing a blank, losing words or names, or forgetting something familiar. Think back … Did your elders have those embarrassing mental lapses? Did you understand at the time? Do you find your senior moments funny, or dread them? What do you do now to remain at the top of your game? Share your Senior Moments stories forward.
Most of us baby boomers remember dating in the ‘60s, and some of us, whether still single or newly single, have also dated in the age of the Internet via sites like match.com. Lots of changes in dating norms and expectations over the decades, but some things never change: Cosmopolitan Magazine still offers dos and don’ts of dating! Think back … about a memorable date, or dating in general. Share your Dating stories forward.
That Summer
It’s the beginning of August, exactly halfway between the Summer Solstice and the Fall Equinox. Think back … to a significant and/or memorable summer of your life, whether as a child or adult. Maybe it was time spent at summer camp, or an exotic trip, a summer job that was fabulous or terrible, or even just being lazy at home. What happened that summer, and how did it affect you? Share your That Summer stories forward.