One Song That Moves Me

We have all been inspired by songs throughout our lives. From childhood lullabies to high school or college favorites to today, what is a special song that resonates with you? Think back … to that one special song that never fails to move you. Why is that song so special to you? What memories does it evoke? Share your One Song That Moves Me stories forward.


Comfort Food

It’s cold, COVID is everywhere, we are cocooning at home, and likely craving comfort food. From any kind of chocolate, to chicken soup, to ice cream, certain foods can calm our anxiety. Think back … what were your favorite comfort foods when you were a child? Do you still eat them? Which foods do you turn to now? How about the young people in your life? Share your Comfort Food stories forward.


Extra, extra, read all about it! We baby boomers may well have grown up in the Golden Age of newspapers. They were certainly ubiquitous in our everyday lives. And what was a Sunday without the Sunday paper? Think back … what role did newspapers play in your youth? Do you read a newspaper now? Are we witnessing the demise of newspapers in print? Share your newspapers stories forward.

Group Photos

In the past, it was common to take large family or group photos to commemorate a special time in life. While people often complained about how long it took to pose many people in a photo, these pictures are often precious to us as time goes by. With smart phones functioning as cameras and the trend toward candid shots rather than posing folks to mark a moment in time, we see fewer of these pictures nowadays. Think back … are there group photos you treasure? What made them special? Do you regret not having taken them in recent years? Share your Group Photos stories forward.

Snowy Days

Anyone who has ever lived in the northern half of the country has likely had a run-in with snow. Snowy days may be beautiful, but they are often a nightmare due to having to shovel out to go anywhere, deal with closed schools, and endure dangerous travel conditions. Think back … when in your life have you experienced snow? How did it affect you as a child? As an adult? Have you ever been snowed in? Share your Snowy Days stories forward.

Highways and Byways

Established by President Eisenhower in 1956, the interstate highway system gradually connected the country and brought us speedier car travel. However, Baby Boomers remember when we drove down smaller, slower, but possibly more interesting roads. Think back … to a memorable trip or commute on a quaint byway or a new interstate. What was great about it? What didn’t you like? Are today’s highways worth the cost to our climate and energy budget? Share your Highways and Byways stories forward.


Most of us have made New Year’s resolutions at one point or another, and for some of us it’s a yearly tradition: We set goals to improve our lives, a checklist of things to either do, or not do. Think back … to some of the resolutions you have made, kept, and/or broken over the years, and any you might be thinking about for the coming year. Share your resolutions stories forward.

Holiday Letters

At this time of year, many people reach out to relatives and friends by sending a greeting card for the holidays. Often these include a letter describing events of the year, good and bad (but mostly good), for everyone in the immediate family. Think back … did your family send or receive these letters when you were growing up? Do you send or receive them now? Has there been a shift to electronic holiday letters? Share your Holiday Letters stories forward.

Comic Relief

As Baby Boomers, we have seen our share of troubled times, but laughter can help us let off steam. What have you done to appreciate the humor in your circumstances and not take yourself too seriously? Think back … to funny friends, amusing incidents, or even comedy sketches that eased you through a tough time. Or, recall a tense situation that someone defused by an intentionally or unintentionally hilarious comment. Share your Comic Relief stories forward.


Erma Bombeck wrote, “Some say our national pastime is baseball. Not me. It’s gossip.” Supermarket tabloids, magazines, and social media thrive on spreading rumors about people. In addition, we all know people who love to gossip and delight in sharing information, secrets, or stories about others. While it can be flattering, the juiciest gossip is negative or malicious. Think back … Have you ever been the subject of gossip? Have you ever spread gossip about others? Has gossip impacted your life or the life of someone you know? What do you think about celebrity gossip? Share your gossip stories forward.