Customer Service

There was a time when the motto of Marshall Fields Department Store in Chicago was, “Give the lady what she wants.” While that strikes us as archaic and sexist, in this era of call centers, online help, and limited in-person staff, customer service is a whole different animal. Think back … what memories of customer service do you have? How have things changed, whether it be air travel, shopping, or obtaining technical support? Share your customer service stories forward.

Drugs and Alcohol

Timothy Leary told us to “turn on, tune in, drop out.” Our generation was reputed to spend the Sixties in an altered state of consciousness, but this was not true for all of us. Think back … to your use of drugs or alcohol, to get wasted, or maybe just a little high. What did you do when you were young? How does it compare to your behavior now? 37 states have legalized marijuana as of 2022 – do you ever use it for medical or recreational purposes? Share your Drugs and Alcohol stories forward.

Priciest Purchase

Whether you’re consistently bargain conscious or of the you-get-what-you-pay-for mindset, you’ve probably splurged at least once. Setting aside houses and cars, be it jewelry, golf clubs, an original piece of art, heirloom bedding, or even a pair of shoes, think back … what is the most expensive thing you’ve ever bought, for yourself or for someone else? Share your Priciest Purchase stories forward.

Favorite Teacher

With Labor Day weekend upon us, our minds typically turn to memories of starting a school year (even though these days school more often starts in August). Among those memories are those of a favorite teacher. Think back … to a teacher who made an impact on your life. Who was this person? What did this educator do to become your favorite teacher? Share your Favorite Teacher stories forward.


Whether cramming for exams in school, intending to diet or exercise someday, or putting off going to the dentist: procrastination can take many forms. Some people procrastinate a lot, while others try to “do it now.” Think back … about a time when you or someone you know procrastinated—or didn’t. Did the hesitance or action have consequences? What was learned? Do you procrastinate today, or have you broken the habit? Share your procrastination stories forward.

Memorable Performances

We have all seen many performances, whether live or on screen, professional or amateur. They may have ranged in quality from award-winning to painfully bad. Think back … to a performance, whether by musicians, singers, dancers, or actors, that was so extraordinary that it stayed in your memory.  Something that struck you deeply, whether as a child, a young adult, or more recently. Share your Memorable Performances stories forward.

Do You Believe in Magic?

What exactly IS magic? Well, magic can’t be described, because it doesn’t exist (according to our sources). But we’ve all experienced magical moments. Like that first kiss we just knew was the real deal, or acing an exam we didn’t even study for. Even witnessing a magic show can be, well, magical … how DID she do that?!? Think back … have you ever experienced something you would describe as magical, be it wizardry or something simply wondrous? Share your Do You Believe in Magic stories forward.  

Riding a Bicycle

Before we could drive, a bicycle was the way many of us got around. In more recent years, we may have ridden a bike for exercise, to save on the cost of gas for our cars, or just for fun. Think back … how did you learn to ride a bike? Did you teach your kids? Have you ever had a scary experience caused by a bicycle, either yours or someone else’s? Share your Riding a Bicycle stories forward. (Image courtesy of

Car Trouble

Cars, even expensive ones, were not very reliable when we were growing up. Stalls, breakdowns, dead batteries, and flat tires often happened. But unlike autos today, older cars could be more easily fixed by their owners. Think back … to the cars you or your parents drove and the problems you had with them. How did you get out of trouble? How does your current computer-enhanced car behave? Would you trade it for yesterday’s simpler model? Share your Car Trouble stories forward.

What I Own That’s Older Than I Am

Whether family heirloom, vintage keepsake, or store-bought antique, most of us are in possession of at least one special item that’s been around longer than we have. What is its enduring appeal — beauty, craftsmanship, nostalgia, sentiment, the fact that it’s unique? Think backabout something you have that evokes a special feeling and tell us about it. Share your What I Own That’s Older Than I Am stories forward.