Fads come on suddenly and are short-lived. Think pole sitting, goat yoga, and certain diets. Trends tend to have a little more staying power, as in fashion and style, music and art, speech and expressions. Think back … tell us about one of your favorite fads or trends, or one of your least favorite. And if you find yourself overwhelmed with possibilities — or with life in general these days — consider limiting your story to just 100 words. Capture a moment, an event, or a feeling in what’s called flash writing, a somewhat new trend that’s trickier than it sounds but oddly satisfying. Share your fads and trends stories forward.
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Skate Key Home from school, a hurried snack, bread with both sides buttered, chocolate milk, an apple offered but rudely refused. (“Don’t be fresh young lady!”) Skates strapped over shoes, no purse, no house key, no hanky, just a skate key on a ribbon around her neck, then out the door. (“Be careful!”) Down…
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