Past Prompts

Imagined Lives (3 Stories)

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Have you ever passed strangers on the street, or seen a couple in a restaurant and found that an overheard snippet of their conversation, their expressions, or their body language was so intriguing you found yourself wondering about their lives and imagining their back stories?

Think back about Imagined Lives and share forward!

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Prejudice (8 Stories)

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Prejudice is an injury or damage resulting from some unwarranted judgment of or action upon a person in disregard of that person’s rights.

Have you ever felt that you or anyone you know were the target of prejudice because of race, ethnicity, gender identity, religion, or simply because of their beliefs? Have you ever felt a trace of prejudice in your own perceptions or actions towards others?

Think back about Prejudice and share forward!
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Ex-Friends (9 Stories)

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As the saying goes “Friends are the family we choose.”  Indeed a friend for life is a precious gift,  but sometimes it doesn’t work out that way.

What ended the friendship might be the abrupt surfacing of a major difference - all too common since 2020 -  or the slow erosion of feeling over the years,   or geographic distance,  or divergent personal growth.  But whatever it is,  it hurts.

Think back about Ex-Friends and share forward!
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Veterans Day (6 Stories)

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On Veterans Day we think of the sacrifice of our vets and celebrate their return.

But for many, coming home may be quite stressful as they suffer vivid memories or recurring nightmares; or are met by disparaging anti-war groups and sentiments; or must deal with problems re-assimilating to their communities or returning to work.  Or simply because the world that veterans return to may be very different from the world they left.

Are  you, or is or a friend or a loved one a vet who faced such a situation?

Think about Veterans Day and share forward.
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Disunited States (4 Stories)

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Given the tumult of current events, does your memory take you back to a time when America seemed more unified than it is today?  Or is that just the way we’d like to read the past?
Some of our divisions have been identified as North vs South, or East vs West, but not all are geographical including perhaps urban vs rural,  and industrial vs agricultural.

Assess the state of affairs in our country today. What other evidence of disunity do you see?

Think back about our Disunited States and share forward!
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