Past Prompts

Comedy (10 Stories)

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Comedy,  it seems,  has always been with us.  Human comedy probably began with paleolithic misfits, shamans, and fools who were useless in the hunt but beloved for their ability to inspire laughter.

Who are your favorite comedians past and present, male and female? Do they make fun of themselves?  Of others?

Comedy is difficult.  Have you ever evoked laughter - either on purpose or unintentionally?

Think back about Comedy and share forward!
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The DMV (11 Stories)

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Anyone who has a driver’s license obviously once passed a driving test. Did you pass your first time? Your second? Were you confident or nervous with someone in the passenger seat judging your every move?

What were your experiences at the DMV?  How often did you wait on those seemingly interminable lines?

Think back to The DMV and share forward!

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My Car of Yesteryear (7 Stories)

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”Great big fins and painted steel / Man it looked just like the Batmobile …”

OK, so maybe the car of your memories didn’t look like songwriter Mark Cohn’s Silver Thunderbird - or maybe it did!   But it probably got under your skin and is still hard to forget -  for better or worse!

Think back to My Car of Yesteryear and share forward!
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Turning Points (7 Stories)

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Think of a time in your life when things changed. What was life like before then?

What caused that turning point? Did people, places, and/or events impact you?

How did your life change and what did you learn from the experience?

Think back to Turning Points and share forward.
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Favors (4 Stories)

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“The ideal man takes joy in doing favors for others,” Aristotle has said.

And the Bible commands us to perform a “mitzvah,” a good deed or moral imperative every day.

What favors, large or small, have you been asked to do?  Which have you done spontaneously?  Have you done any begrudgingly?  And what favors have you asked of others?

Think back about Favors and share forward!

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