Past Prompts

Woodstock (8 Stories)

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50 years ago, on August 15-17, 1969, more than 400,000 people gathered at Max Yasgur's farm for the festival known as Woodstock. It is considered the rock festival for the ages, and one of the defining events for the Baby Boom generation. Did you go? Did you wish you had gone? Or did you deliberately stay away? Think back . . . what were your thoughts about Woodstock at the time? What do your kids or grandkids think about Woodstock, if they even know about it? Share your Woodstock stories forward.
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Genealogy (10 Stories)

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Genealogy is all the rage these days. Whether or not they use websites like or 23 and Me, lots of folks are tracking down ancestors and uncovering relationships and family ties. What are the pros and cons of the surge in DNA testing? Have you or anyone you know made a life-changing discovery or gained meaningful information this way? Think back… What did you know about your family history growing up? Share your genealogy stories forward.
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Neighbors (7 Stories)

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Neighbors can be godsends for borrowing items, or nuisances with barking dogs. What about yours? How has neighborliness changed from your childhood? Do you even know your neighbors now? Are virtual communities good replacements for a neighborhood? Think back …. about your favorite neighbor or your worst nightmare. Share your stories of neighbors forward.
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Boredom (6 Stories)

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July is anti-boredom month, but perhaps we could all do with a little boredom in our lives. Think back… What did you do when you felt bored as a child? What do you do now? Are you someone for whom boredom leads to creativity, or do you need to feel busy all of the time? How has the concept of boredom changed for your kids’ or grandkids’ generation? Share your boredom stories forward.
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Moon Landing (8 Stories)

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A small step? A giant leap? It’s been 50 years since July 20, 1969, when the landing of the lunar module Eagle on the moon captivated our nation. What was the impact on you and others? Did you watch it? If so, who watched with you? How is this event different for a younger generation who didn’t witness it personally? Think back … about what this amazing achievement meant to you. Share your stories of the moon landing forward.
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