Over the years we’ve all heard the phrase “Sex, drugs, and rock & roll." That rowdy triad became a slogan, a macho myth, even an advertising hook. How do you view the phrase? Did you identify with its celebratory aspect? Was it a call to rebellion? Did you aspire to embrace all those elements into your life?
Tattoos and body piercing have been traditionally practiced in many cultures for millennia.
But in ours it was usually just sailors who were tattooed, and women’s ears that were pierced - that is until recently. Now tattoos and piercings seem ubiquitous!
Are you inked or pierced? Are your friends or your kids? Do you find those practices appealing or distasteful?
We have all spent time sitting in a doctor’s or dentist’s office, waiting for an exam, a diagnosis, or test results for yourself or a loved one.
What do you remember about waiting rooms as a child? What’s it like for you to spend time in a waiting room today? Why, when, and where do you remember waiting?
Webster’s defines superstition as a belief held despite evidence to the contrary. As Eurocentric beings, we usually dismiss superstitions as unscientific.
But in other cultures, dreams, visions, people, places, and events are seen as omens of good or bad luck.
Did you harbor any superstitions as a child? Do you have any now, or do you know of any held by family or friends?