Past Prompts

First Memory (14 Stories)

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Freud called our earliest memories screen memories. Even if these first memories actually happened, the way we recall them may be dream-like, as if obscured by a screen that distorts them. They may be influenced by stories others have told us or reflective of unconscious wishes we had at the time. Think back … what is one of your first memories? Do you think this early memory really happened the way you recall it? Share your first memory stories forward.
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Reconnecting (14 Stories)

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In our busy lives, it’s easy to lose touch with people—neighbors, classmates, coworkers, ex-lovers—who are important to us. The COVID pandemic might have encouraged you to reconnect with someone by phone, email, or even in person. Or, maybe there was a meaningful reconnection in your more distant past. Think back … who have you reconnected with? How did you find them? What was the response? Share your Reconnecting stories forward.
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Valentine’s Day (11 Stories)

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People either love it or hate it. When we baby boomers were in grade school, it was common to give cute little Valentine cards to the kids we liked, and not to the ones we didn’t like. Ouch. As adults, we might choose the day to mush on one special person, or to remind a few people how much we love them, usually in shades of red, and usually with a card, candy, flowers, a poem, or all of the above. We might even propose marriage, or get married. Think back…to a special Valentine’s Day or gift given or received. Share your Valentine’s Day stories forward.
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Hats (17 Stories)

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Time was, pretty much every adult wore a hat in public. Today, they’re no longer de rigueur, though we still wear them for protection on the job or from the weather, for religious reasons, or just for the fun of it. In terms of fashion, more than any other piece of clothing, a hat makes a statement, and if you’re wearing one, it’s the first thing people notice about you. Think back…about the hats in your life, or one special hat. Share your hats stories forward.

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Inaugurations (11 Stories)

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Every four years of our lives there has been a presidential inauguration held on January 20th. Some have been more memorable than others, for the weather, the participants, or the impact on our country. Think back … to years past or just last week. What do you recall from these important ceremonies, for good or for ill, and how were you affected by them? Share your inaugurations stories forward.
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