We all know know the phrase. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) has earned legitimacy since the Vietnam War. Our decades-long Middle East wars have added to those suffering from PTSD.
Outside of warfare, trauma also exists in many forms. Have you ever experienced trauma? When and in what circumstances? Do traumatic aftereffects linger in your awareness? How do you deal with them?
Think back about Trauma and share forward!
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Trauma (9 Stories)
Changing Times (11 Stories)
March 12 brings time change to most of America (Hawaii and most of Arizona decline) as we shift to Daylight SavingTime. Clocks will spring forward at 2:00 am, and we’ll all lose an hour of sleep.
DST began in America with the Standard Time Act of 1918, a wartime measure for seven months during WWI as a way of adding more daylight hours to save on energy use.
Since then the advantages and disadvantages of DST have been debated, and in 2022 a bill was passed by the US Senate to keep DST year round. If enacted it will become permanent at the end of this year. Are you in favor or not? What are your memories and/or reflections on DST?
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DST began in America with the Standard Time Act of 1918, a wartime measure for seven months during WWI as a way of adding more daylight hours to save on energy use.
Since then the advantages and disadvantages of DST have been debated, and in 2022 a bill was passed by the US Senate to keep DST year round. If enacted it will become permanent at the end of this year. Are you in favor or not? What are your memories and/or reflections on DST?
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Ceremony (10 Stories)
Our lives are full of ceremonies. Many are rites of passage - christenings and b'nai mitzvahs, graduations and weddings, naturalizations, inductions, and ordinations. Others are less formal, foreign to us, or deeply personal. What ceremonies have you attended? Participated in? Or even generated from your own needs, wishes or beliefs?
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Think back about Ceremony and share forward! Start Writing Read Stories
Retrospect Retrospective (14 Stories)
Started by John and Patti Zussman, and then later acquired by Suzy, Retrospect has built a community by asking Baby Boomers “What’s Your Story?” for more than seven years and three thousand stories. Think back ... about some of your favorite prompts or stories and/or how Retrospect has impacted your life. Share your Retrospect Retrospective stories forward.
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My First Computer (8 Stories)
Early computers were owned by large companies, filled rooms, and required temperature control. With electronic typewriters containing computer interfaces paving the way, in not much time at all we eased into personal computers — desktops, and laptops. Think back … Do you remember your first computer experience? Was it on a personal computer or one of those giants like the UNIVAC featured here? Share your My First Computer stories forward.
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