Past Prompts

Struggling with Values (6 Stories)

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 We all remember young Benjamin Braddock (Dustin Hoffman in the 1967 film The Graduate) listening to Mr McGuire’s infamous advice to pursue a career in plastics.
Ben rejected it of course and chose to buck the establishment and its hypocrisy. Do you think later he might have had second thoughts?

Remembering your own experiences, like Ben did you struggle with career choices? Did that struggle become intense?  How did you handle it?  Did you ever have regrets?

 Think back about Struggling with Values and share forward!
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Intelligence (5 Stories)

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IQ is a deeply flawed and problematic concept.  Artificial intelligence doesn’t make matters simpler. Successfully navigating our world can involve intelligence, luck or being in the right place at the right time.  We all know people we KNOW are smart, others, not so much.  But what makes a person intelligent?

In the 1964 Jacobellis v. Ohio case, Justice Potter Stewart admitted that obscenity is hard to pin down but, "I know it when I see it."  A similar point might be made about intelligence.

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Affairs of the Heart (7 Stories)

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Young love, true love, all’s fair in love, second time around love, unrequited love, lost love, or secret love. It brings you bliss or it breaks your heart.
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Danger (8 Stories)

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Nearly every creature on the planet lives with a fight or flight response to danger.  Have you ever been in danger?  Were you ever forced into danger by chance or necessity?  Did you ever court danger?  Have you done something fun,  foolish, and dangerous?   Tell us your danger tales.

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Can You Go Home Again? (9 Stories)

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Marcus Aurelius’ favorite poet Heraclitus once said, “No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it is not the same river and he is not the same man.”  Whether man or woman, many have learned the truth in this saying by returning to the places in their memory.  Are you one of them, or have you discovered you can, in fact, go home again?
Think back about Can You Go Home Again? and share forward!
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