Black Tie Optional by
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Black Tie Optional As I’ve aged I’ve certainly gotten more forgetful,   but the truth is I’ve always suffered a bit from that condition.  In fact over the years there’ve been many times my forgetfulness had some unfortunate or embarrassing consequences.   One recent December it happened again after we got a wedding invitation from…
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Forgetting, or Just not Remembering? by
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Earlier, life seemed to be an endless acquisition of information and experience.  More and more stuffed into my brain.  At some point, that balance seems to have tipped into forgetting more than remembering.
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I Remember It Well – Sometimes by
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Here’s something else I do remember. In the movie GiGi, which I loved when I was when I was a pre-teen, Maurice Chevalier sang to Hermione Gingold, I Remember it Well.
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Forgetful Me Not by
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      Retrospect: Forgetting By Kevin J. W. Driscoll (c) 2024 I’ve lost my car and house keys more times than I can count. Once, I even forgot where I parked my car. It’s like my brain is a sieve, letting all the important stuff slip through while holding onto useless trivia like the…
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