What Does a Woman Want? by
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What Does a Woman Want?

That supposed smart guy Sigmund Freud may not have been as smart as we thought.   His friend Marie Bonaparte ,  the great-grandniece of Emperor Napoleon,  a French author and analyst herself,  once sought treatment from the renown psychoanalyst for her own sexual problems.

Famously Freud asked her,  “The great question that has never been answered despite my research into the feminine soul is – what does a woman want?“

Her response is unknown,  but I venture to guess she’d been listening to 4 Non Blondes  and  so she may have said,  “Isn’t it obvious Herr Doktor?  We just want to know what’s going on!”

RetroFlash / 100 Words

Dana Susan Lehrman 

Profile photo of Dana Susan Lehrman Dana Susan Lehrman
This retired librarian loves big city bustle and cozy country weekends, friends and family, good books and theatre, movies and jazz, travel, tennis, Yankee baseball, and writing about life as she sees it on her blog World Thru Brown Eyes!

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Tags: 4 Non Blondes, Sigmund Freud, Marie Bonaparte
Characterizations: funny, moving, right on!, well written


  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    Good one, Dana. Hey, what’s going on with you?

  2. pattyv says:

    Dana, what a great way to start my day! “So I wake up in morning and I step outside, and I take a deep breath and I get real high…Hey,hey, hey, what’s going on?” So love this little gem, will be playing it all day.

    • Thanx Patty, I first heard it when a singer-friend was learning to cover the song and sang it for me in her living room, and I loved it.

      Thankfully (maybe obliviously?) I haven’t had many sex discrimination complaints but nevertheless I’ve been female for 79 years and I get it! In fact I listen to this song a lot and sing along at the top of my lungs!

  3. Dave Ventre says:

    I cannot think of one thing that Freud got right. Granted, it’s a complex subject, but still, 100% failure is a stunning non-achievement. And yet he still has his adherents.

    And I have always loved that song!

    • Thanx for reading my story Dave.
      In the 100 years since Freud published his groundbreaking theories, some have been discredited. but many have been borne out – his revelations about the unconscious and his dream theory certainly resonate – so I can’t agree with you on that.

      I’m glad you like the song, as I told Patty, I first heard it when a singer-friend sang it to me in her apartment and I loved it. Would love to hear 4 Non Blondes live but don’t believe they are recording or touring any more.

  4. Loved the humor. I also like that Freud asked her a question rather than lecturing to her on what her id/ego/super ego would have liked.

  5. Can I write a comment now? Testing.

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