Tread lightly on tippy toes as a tipster tips you for your service
Tread lightly on Tippy toes as a tipster tips you for your service
When the mind goes bland or blank (take your choice)
One finds ones focus disappears on the belly of a whale
And even the slightest tipple can wring your upright self,
Then Self fails to stand in the wind
The raindrops are the tears
Puddling in the wrinkles around your mouth and eyes
slyly with a wink you look around and wonder
Does any any body know
That a failure to know is marked with invisible marker
In the eyes of “that” man that I think I love
Waiting and fearing that I will sink
born, lived, cried, appreciated, lost, found, lived, laughed, flew in my dreams,
taught others to fly in their dreams, became a telescope reflecting the stars,
dove to the depths of despair ,recovered and walked along the beach as the water escaped from the sea and erased my footprints.
Losing one's marbles....
I enjoyed the witty wordplay in some of the lines—tippy toes, tipster, tips, tipple; bland, blank; marked with invisible markers. Yet it seems to turn darker—tears, wrinkles, the fear of sinking—in a foreboding way. I hope you are coping with whatever life is throwing you.
John, I am having challenges in my home life. This is too public a situation to talk in depth. It is challenging and changes day by day.