“Do you like the smell of onions?”
My tonsils are out A nurse speaks: “Do you want ice cream, or ice chips?”
The face of the doctor is kind
Holding a toilet plunger
I never smell the onions
The plunger covers my face, and I sleep
Awake I am in a crib
At home I use a bed
Mommy and Daddy reach down to hug me
My tonsils are out
A nurse speaks: “Do you want ice cream, or ice chips?”
It’s delicious.
“More ice cream, please.”
“Sorry, Dale. For seconds, we only give ice chips.”
For the rest of my life, I will enjoy eating ice chips—or even whole ice cubes.
Retroflash (100 words)

Dale Borman Fink retired in 2020 from Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts in North Adams, MA, where he taught courses related to research methods, early childhood education, special education, and children’s literature. Prior to that he was involved in childcare, after-school care, and support for the families of children with disabilities. Among his books are Making a Place for Kids with Disabilities (2000) Control the Climate, Not the Children: Discipline in School Age Care (1995), and a children’s book, Mr. Silver and Mrs. Gold (1980). In 2018, he edited a volume of his father's recollections, called SHOPKEEPER'S SON.
funny, well written
Ooof! Yes, what an impression! That mask, descending on the face. I fought it, of course, to no avail. Out you go!
Wow, Dale, great Flash, and to think you still eat ice chips! As one of the rare kids who did not have their tonsils out (had a pediatrician ahead of his time), I can’t relate directly, but I recall that horrid mask when I had oral surgery at age 10–the worst medical experience of my life.
Excellent! But what’s with the onions?
(I still have my tonsils.)
I think he was suggesting that the strong smell of inhaling ether would be like the very strong smell of onions. Probably helpful for an 8 year old but I was way too young to have any meaningful association with that comparison.
Wonderful Retroflash Dale.
Sorry you got no extra ice cream from the nurse, but the hugs from your mother and dad I’m sure were delicious!
Terrific RetroFlash, Dale; you really got it perfectly. And I, too, loved the toilet plunger reference. It’s just what I’d expect a toddler to think.
But no ginger ale? I didn’t have my tonsils out, but recall that every kid who did spoke of both ice cream and ginger ale. Go figure.
Also glad that the ice chips have remained a nice memory for you.
Ginger ale actually rings a faint bell, John! Thanks for stimulating further recollection. I do think that was part of it–but the ice cream and ice chips were the more exciting and memorable part.
I love this, Dale, but I think they should have let you have seconds on that ice cream. I remember getting mine out at age 10 and being promised lots of ice cream and jello. But no one told me it would hurt.
Great RetroFlash, Dale. I was like Marian; I still have my tonsils, but had your experience a few years later when I had some oral surgery, so I can relate too. And I like ice chips too.
That’s quite a first memory! I was 11 when I had my tonsils out, and I recall getting as much ice cream as I wanted. Maybe they have to be more careful with a three-year-old. Could not figure out the toilet plunger until I looked at your second picture. Did you really know what a toilet plunger was at that age?
Suzy, I would not have known the name of that device but I recognized its similarity to what my Dad and Mom used to clear the toilet when I put in too much tissue! (Too many words for a Retroflash.)
You really spoke to our generation of tonsillectomy victims! I recall the ether mask and the smell, though it wasn’t onions. Also the ice cream–but what a cruel joke. It still hurt like hell to swallow. I had the added pleasure of having my adenoids “grow back” and removed twice, then treatment with radiation to shrink them. That turned out to be a terrible idea but we were getting the latest, greatest thing. Ha ha.
Well done, Dale. The “toilet plunger” is so vivid; I recall it from my own somewhat later tonsillectomy.. But you got screwed. I’ve heard that the surgeon’s promise is supposed to be all the ice cream you can eat. But come to think of it, I don’t remember being promised that; good thing because I couldn’t keep anything down for awhile. And onions? I remember a taste of garlic (yuck at age 6). Thanks for refreshing recollection.