Those Were The Days My Friend by
(87 Stories)

Prompted By Mind the Gap

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Now that you ask – I guess I did have some problems with my ‘Elders’ growing up:

I would laugh at 'All In The Family' while the 'elders' would agree with Archie.

o Rather than watch Bonanza they would watch Lawrence Welk.

o It was only after I grew up and ordered Chateaubriand did I find out that beef could be from the middle and tender as opposed to the end and crispy.

o I would laugh at ‘All In The Family’ while the ‘elders’ would agree with Archie.

o I was totally excited when the TV remote was invented – less work for me especially with the occasional requests: ‘as long as you’re up get me [this or that]’.

In the second grade I was expected (and did) ride the train to school (and I used the return money to buy candy and walk home.)

Profile photo of Kevin Driscoll Kevin Driscoll
(Mostly) Vegetarian, Politically Progressive, Daily Runner, Spiritual, Helpful, Friendly, Kind, Warm Hearted and Forgiving. Resident of Braintree MA.

Characterizations: funny


  1. Betsy Pfau says:

    All good points, Kevin. Identifying with Archie is a dead give-away.

  2. Suzy says:

    Good description of some classic generation gap issues. I also had a story called Those Were The Days My Friend, on the prompt about Grandparents, which is why there is a “2” in your url. Apparently this site allows duplicate titles, at least so far.

  3. Khati Hendry says:

    Lucky you to ride the train to school! That sounds like lots of opportunity for independence and adventure. Music seems to be a generational divider. Ah yes, a-one and a-two Lawrence Welk…. Sometimes I wonder how well some of the more aggressive rap will stand up at school reunions years hence, but if we still listen to sixties rock, who are we to judge?

  4. Thanx Kevin for reminding us of some of the warm-spirited gaps between the generations.

    I used to think my parents were morons always losing their glasses!

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